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We believe that you must lead change, or you will be changed. Seize opportunities when you have the chance – an approach that has proven success from the football field to the Fortune 500. Subscribe below to our regular newsletter that will challenge you to think differently – because different is the difference.

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Ideas at Work – It’s Time to Be a Front-Facing Leader Again

On the wall in my office I have a framed picture of one of the great mentors of my life: Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart. He was one of the greatest business leaders to ever live, and I had the great fortune to get to know him and see how he did things. Everything…

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Ideas at Work – Six Ways to Make Your Marketing Budget Go Further in a Recession

My first NFL coach was Norm van Brocklin and he was a Hall of Fame quarterback. But he was a pocket quarterback. It was 1961. Nobody was a scrambler. I came up and I was a mobile quarterback. I would buy myself time running back and forth or up and down and so forth. I…

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Ideas at Work – Marketing to Gen-Z Business Owners

When I was drafted into the NFL, just 21 years old, I wanted to learn, and that meant making connections with other quarterbacks. When we were playing the Bears, I requested a meeting with the legendary Hall of Fame quarterback Sid Luckman, who had won several championships in the 1940s. He took the time to…

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Ideas at Work – Doing More With Less

It’s the off-season for the NFL, what some folks call “the business season.” That’s when owners and general managers have to make some really tough choices on which players they can afford to keep—and which ones they have to let go. Businesses across the country are facing a similar problem. Even the largest, most successful…

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Thinking About Trends

Tarkenton partner, and Helpfully CEO, Zach Pousman, gives insights into how an effective innovation team can discover trends and take advantage of timely market opportunities.

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Innovation in the Businesses Services Industry

Watch as Zach Pousman, our research, strategy, and design partner, takes us through how Tarkenton uses innovative strategies to help enterprise partners reach and serve small business clients.

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What Innovation Looks Like in Practice

Tarkenton Research, Strategy, & Design partner and Helpfully CEO, Zach Pousman, discusses some of our recent projects and partnerships, and how we have applied our vision for innovation to the healthcare space.

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Building an Innovation Team

Tarkenton Research, Strategy, and Design partner and Helpfully CEO, Zach Pousman, discusses the characteristics you should look for as you build an innovation team. Zach encourages looking at both essential attributes for all team members as well as critical skillsets to keep in balance.

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What is Innovation?

Tarkenton strategic partner, and Helpfully CEO, Zach Pousman, discusses how modern businesses should think about innovation and why you should look beyond metrics.

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