About Tarkenton

our process

We believe in a collaborative, innovative approach to create solutions that make life easier for our partners and their clients! When you work with us, you’ll join our high-speed, open-communication process. Here’s how we’ll work together to support and enhance your brand, services, and processes.



You will meet with our partnership leaders to discuss your need and potential ideas. We want to get to know you and your business, and let you get to know us and see how we work. Our team leaders will research the problem and begin to identify possible solutions.

"They give us custom solutions we couldn’t develop."
"They provide more firepower to accelerate an opportunity."


You will work with our team leaders to define the scope of the project, identifying what our teams will be working on. We will also work together to establish a timeline for key steps from development to launch.



Our development and creative teams will get to work! We operate using the “Scrum Model,” breaking the project down into 2-week “Sprints.” At the end of each Sprint, we will share the completed work, so you can stay directly involved and aware of everything we are working on.

"They believe our win is their win."
"They scale what we can’t."


We focus on quickly developing a Minimum Viable Product, so that we can begin getting feedback early on in the process. We conduct focus groups, pilots, and other tests to receive practical data that will inform our ongoing development efforts.



Our team will develop training for your own internal sales and service teams to prepare you for the launch, and deliver all final products and collateral for you to review prior to the launch.

"They do what we can’t do."
"They provide expertise where we lack it."


We will continue to collaborate with you to build your brand relevance and reputation. We are an ongoing partner for your business, available to provide technology and service support for you and your clients as you need them, with a bilingual service team dedicated to helping you reach and serve diverse markets.


We’re proud of the work we’ve done with our partners.

"They want to build a long-term relationship as a key partner."