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We believe that you must lead change, or you will be changed. Seize opportunities when you have the chance – an approach that has proven success from the football field to the Fortune 500. Subscribe below to our regular newsletter that will challenge you to think differently – because different is the difference.

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Right Person, Right Place, Right Time: Equipping Your Team for Success

Did you know the cost of replacing an employee can be one half to two times that employee’s salary (Gallup)? Or that 38% of new hires leave within the first year—and almost half of those do so within the first 90 days, because of a lack of development opportunities (Forbes)? That’s why I’m a fan…

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Is Your Website UX Helping or Hurting Your Business?

For many businesses, their website is their “front door” to the world. The way prospective clients and customers perceive and interact with your website, therefore, can have an enormous impact on lead conversion, customer retention and sustainable growth.  Whether your website’s purpose is to build brand awareness, generate leads, service existing clients – or all…

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How to Build Your Sales Dream Team

Like it or not, when you became an entrepreneur, you immediately became a salesperson – taking on arguably THE most important role in your company.   And for many business owners that can feel….well, hard. Uncomfortable. Overwhelming.  Even if you love selling, being both a successful business owner and a full-time salesperson is exhausting, and it…

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Building Trust in B2B: How Influencer Marketing is Changing the Game

There’s a reason the Kardashians aren’t out there shilling for the next great CRM system. The B2B sales cycle—long-term, complex, costly—doesn’t exactly lend itself to the kind of rapid-fire sales bubbles that social media influencers are known for in the B2C world. But unlikely as it seems, influencer marketing does have a place in B2B….

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How Thought Leadership Can Drive Sales, Not Just Likes

 Thought leadership is experiencing an exponential boom. Everywhere you turn, you find another online “expert.” Meanwhile, prospects have been trained to search for free expertise and advice before they commit to buy. But does thought leadership really lead to business growth? It can – if you follow a few simple guidelines. People have always…

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The Power of No: Why business leaders should say “no” more often

 The hallmark of most successful business leaders is the ability to see a problem and turn it into an opportunity. When others say it can’t be done, we refuse to say “no” – we overcome the obstacles, find a way to make things work, and build a successful business. But are you in danger…

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Take Your Business to the Next Level by Writing a Book

Last year, Americans bought more than 80 million copies of business books. Is it time to consider writing a book? Writing a book can pay off in a lot of different ways for a business leader. It establishes you as a thought leader and exposes your ideas and expertise to a much larger audience than…

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Cancel All Meetings, or Transform Them?

 How much money are you wasting on meetings? Employers and employees alike regard too many of those meetings as a waste of time. According to a 2023 study, the average company invests more than $80,000 per year in staff and team meetings. Judging by the number of meetings employees feel comfortable skipping, at least…

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Transforming Customer Care: AI’s New Role in Your Business

 We’ve all experienced the frustration of an automated phone tree that doesn’t solve your problem, the website that makes it impossible to reach a live person, or the AI chatbot that offers only three choices, none of which is the reason you need help. For many customers, AI has come to represent the opposite…

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Choosing a Technology Partner for Your Business

 Is it time to update your technology? Businesses sometimes think of their technology or IT functions as something that’s always there in the background. Some even assume that because it’s worked for so long, it doesn’t need to be changed. But if right now – in 2024 – you’re using a tool that was…

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