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We believe that you must lead change, or you will be changed. Seize opportunities when you have the chance – an approach that has proven success from the football field to the Fortune 500. Subscribe below to our regular newsletter that will challenge you to think differently – because different is the difference.

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Winning Strategies: What Super Bowl Ads Teach Us About Effective Marketing

 The Super Bowl only comes once a year, and the ads now live on longer than the game. They are their own show! But do they provide a good ROI as a marketing strategy? While most companies cannot spend millions on a single 30-second spot, there are certain lessons to be learned from Super…

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The Small Business Edge: How Small Biz Can Win in 2024

 Reading the “forecasts for 2024,” it might seem like small businesses have a higher mountain to climb than ever before. But with the right approach, some of the biggest business “challenges” today actually provide opportunities for small businesses to distinguish themselves and outperform competitors. Let’s look at three of the biggest challenges facing all…

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Does Your Brand Need a New Look?

 “New Year, new you” is not just a popular slogan for fitness centers. Many businesses choose to unveil a new look at the start of the year, too. But how do you decide if a visual make-over really makes sense, and how do you ensure that your new look will translate into higher sales…

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Leveraging Your Brand for a New Product Launch

 As a business leader, you have a vital role in safeguarding the unique personality and promise of your company (aka, your brand). After all, your company’s immediate and recognizable identity sets you apart from your competition, builds trust with your customers and potential customers, and leaves a lasting impression. But how do you preserve…

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How to Harness the Power of Insurgent Innovation

 January is not just the season for New Year’s Resolutions; it’s also a popular time for launching new initiatives and new businesses. In January 2023, more than 420,000 new businesses officially set up shop. For many industries, this is also the time of year when many employees leave large, global companies to go off…

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How to Align Marketing and Internal Communications: The Secret to Brand Success

 Every day, your customers are bombarded with messages from multiple brands – including yours. And if your company’s marketing and internal communications messaging aren’t consistent and aligned, it can create a sizable hole in your revenue bucket. Most business leaders know that effective “brand messaging” leads to success in attracting new customers and retaining…

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Now Is the Time: How to Motivate Your Team for Cybersecurity Training

It’s no longer a matter of “if” your business gets hacked or falls prey to a cyber-attack. It’s simply a matter of “when.” Which means that NOW is the time to train your team on cyber-security practices and mindset. But how? It requires both making sure your team understands how cyber-attacks can unfold and then…

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Beyond the Chase: Prioritizing Customer Retention in Business Growth

 A good friend of mine once summed up the way a business grows is to get more customers to come back more often to buy more. It’s memorable, and pretty insightful, too. It points to the two sides of growth: customer acquisition and retention. I used to do lots of infomercials, and the most…

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How Content Strategy Elevates Your Brand and Drives Growth

 In big letters on the wall of our offices, it states, “The mission of business is to help people.” It is the number one, foundational belief that governs everything I do in business.   That’s part of why I’m so uncomfortable with a lot of traditional sales tactics, the kind of “twist your arm”…

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Improving Your B2B Marketing Strategy and Results

None of us can succeed on our own. We all need other people. On the football field, I needed coaches and teammates who completely bought into what we were doing. We need partners who can make us better.  As I’ve built partnerships over the years, I’ve learned that I only want to work with people…

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