Right Person, Right Place, Right Time: Equipping Your Team for Success

 Did you know the cost of replacing an employee can be one half to two times that employee’s salary (Gallup)? Or that 38% of new hires leave within the first year—and almost half of those do so within the first 90 days, because of a lack of development opportunities (Forbes)? That’s why I’m a…

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The Power of No: Why business leaders should say “no” more often

 The hallmark of most successful business leaders is the ability to see a problem and turn it into an opportunity. When others say it can’t be done, we refuse to say “no” – we overcome the obstacles, find a way to make things work, and build a successful business. But are you in danger…

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How to Harness the Power of Insurgent Innovation

 January is not just the season for New Year’s Resolutions; it’s also a popular time for launching new initiatives and new businesses. In January 2023, more than 420,000 new businesses officially set up shop. For many industries, this is also the time of year when many employees leave large, global companies to go off…

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Change Management as a Catalyst for Innovation

 Both on the football field and in business, I’ve been fortunate enough to be around some incredible leaders. There was Bud Grant, but also coaches like Vince Lombardi and Don Shula. Outside of football, I got to learn from business geniuses like Sam Walton, Steve Jobs, and Bernie Marcus.  They were all very different,…

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Going Outside the Road Map

 After my 18 years in the NFL, I’m no stranger to game plans changing. Every game that I played, we had a specific plan based on our opponent and what we wanted to do each week. But the adjustments weren’t just game to game – once we kicked off, we adjusted things quarter to…

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Ideas at Work – Doing More With Less

It’s the off-season for the NFL, what some folks call “the business season.” That’s when owners and general managers have to make some really tough choices on which players they can afford to keep—and which ones they have to let go. Businesses across the country are facing a similar problem. Even the largest, most successful…

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