How to Align Your Editorial and Marketing Messages

 Sales growth is the lifeblood of virtually every company. But no one likes being “sold to.” So how do you achieve reliable, robust growth without turning off your current and prospective customers? It all comes down to messaging. Get it right, and clients flock to your door; get it wrong, and your team is…

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How Content Strategy Elevates Your Brand and Drives Growth

 In big letters on the wall of our offices, it states, “The mission of business is to help people.” It is the number one, foundational belief that governs everything I do in business.   That’s part of why I’m so uncomfortable with a lot of traditional sales tactics, the kind of “twist your arm”…

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Ideas at Work – AI: Hope or Hype?

One of my favorite parts of being an NFL quarterback was getting to install the offense every year during training camp. Football is a constant chess match between offenses and defenses, and there were some truly exceptional defenses during that era, so it was a real challenge to find ways to beat them.  During my…

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