Courtney Psinas
Account Executive

As an Account Executive, I thrive on diagnosing marketing and technology challenges and turning them into opportunities for accelerated growth. With a passion for problem-solving and a knack for connecting businesses to success, my goal is to drive impactful results and sustainable revenue increases.


Throughout my career, I have identified and overcome obstacles that hinder business growth for my clients. By leveraging data-driven strategies and creative solutions, I help businesses navigate complex industry landscapes and achieve their objectives.


I was born in a small town in central Illinois, spent a few years in Atlanta, and recently relocated to Denver, Colorado.


When I'm not immersed in the world of marketing and technology, I indulge in my passions for cooking, exploring the great outdoors, and traveling—having just visited my 15th country. I’m also a Swiftie and pride myself on making the perfect margarita.