Leading Through Mergers

 The ink’s dry on the contracts, and everyone’s signed off on due diligence and finance. Two companies are set to become one—and you’re at the helm of one of them. Your strategy during mergers and acquisitions plays a huge role in defining the future combined entity.  As you navigate the bumpy road and the…

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Right Person, Right Place, Right Time: Equipping Your Team for Success

 Did you know the cost of replacing an employee can be one half to two times that employee’s salary (Gallup)? Or that 38% of new hires leave within the first year—and almost half of those do so within the first 90 days, because of a lack of development opportunities (Forbes)? That’s why I’m a…

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Is Your Website UX Helping or Hurting Your Business?

 For many businesses, their website is their “front door” to the world. The way prospective clients and customers perceive and interact with your website, therefore, can have an enormous impact on lead conversion, customer retention and sustainable growth.  Whether your website’s purpose is to build brand awareness, generate leads, service existing clients – or…

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